Monday 16 December 2013

bidadari syurga

Bidadari merupakan salah satu anugerah Allah kepada seorang lelaki yang memasuki syurga. Bagi seorang wanita yang solehah maka bidadari bagi suaminya adalah dikalangan bidadari2 kurniaan Allah dan dia (isteri solehah merupakan ketua akan segala bidadari- bidadari)Berjihad pada agama Allah merupakan satu amalan yang menjadi kesukaan Allah swt dan ini merupakan sunnah besar nabi SAW dan kalangan sahabat-sahabat. Setiap manusia yang mati walaupun berapa umurnya maka akan ditanya dimanakah masa mudanya dihabiskan.
Kisah......Ainul Mardhiah bermula disini ………………
'Ainul Mardhiah merupakan seorang bidadari yang paling cantik dikalangan bidadari-bidadari yang lain (bermaksud mata yang di redhai). Suatu pagi (dalam bulan puasa) ketika nabi memberi targhib (berita-berita semangat di kalangan sahabat untuk berjihad pada agama Allah) katanya siapa-siapa yang keluar di jalan Allah tiba-tiba ia shahid, maka dia akan dianugerahkan seorang bidadari yang paling cantik dikalangan bidadari2 syurga. Mendengar berita itu seorang sahabat yang usianya sangat muda teringin sangat nak tahu bagaimana cantiknya bidadari tersebut.... tetapi dia malu nak bertanyakan kepada nabi kerana malu pada sahabat-sahabat  yang lain. Namun dia tetap beri nama sebagai salah sorang yang akan keluar/pergi. Sebelum Zohor sunnah nabi akan tidur sebentar (dipanggil khailulah, maka sahabat yang muda tadi juga turut bersama jemaah tadi... tidur bersama-sama.... Dalam tidur tersebut dia bermimpi berada di satu tempat yang sungguh indah, dia bertemu dengan seorang yang berpakaian yang bersih lagi cantik dan  muka yang berseri2 lalu ditanyanya dimanakah dia... lalu lelaki itu menjawab inilah syurga. Lalu dia menyatakan hasrat untuk berjumpa dengan 'Ainul Mardhiah... lalu ditunjuknya di suatu arah maka berjalan dia... disuatu pepohon beliau mendapati ada seorang wanita yang tak pernah dia lihat kecantikan begitu... tak pernah dilihat didunia ini... lalu diberi salam dan dia bertanya andakah Ainul Mardhiah... wanita itu menjawab ehh  tidak... saya khadamnya Ainul Mardhiah ada di dalam singgahsana sana Lalu dia berjalan dan memasuki satu mahligai yang cukup indah dan mendapati ada seorang lagi wanita yang kecantikannya berganda-ganda dari yang pertama tadi sedang mengelap permata-mata perhiasan di dalam mahligai.... lalu diberi salam dan di tanya lagi adakah dia ainul mardiah lalu wanita itu tidakkk saya hanya khadamnya di dalam mahligai ini...Ainul Mardiah ada di atas mahligai sana,..... lalu dinaikinya anak-anak tangga mahligai permata itu kecantikkannya sungguh mengkagumkan... lalu dia sampai ke  satu mahligai dan mendapati seorang wanita yang berganda-ganda cantik dari yang pertama dan berganda-ganda catiknya dari yang kedua.... dan tak pernah dia lihat di dunia.... lalu wanita itu berkata...akulah Ainul Mardhiah, aku diciptakan untk kamu dan kamu diciptakan untuk aku.... bila lelaki itu mendekatinya wanita itu menjawab... nantiii kamu belum syahid  lagiiii......tersentak itu pemuda itu pun terjaga dari tidurnya lalu dia menceritakan segala-galanya kepada satu sahabat lain, namun begitu dia memesan agar jangan menceritakan cerita ini kepada Nabi SAW... tapisekiranya dia  shahid barulah ceritakan kepada Nabi.

Petang itu pemuda itu bersama-sama dengan jemaah yang terdapat Nabi di dalamnya telah keluar berperang lalu ditakdirkan pemuda tadi telah shahid. Petang tersebut ketika semua jemaah telah pulang ke masjid, di waktu hendak berbuka puasa maka mereka telah menunggu makanan untuk berbuka  (tunggu makanan adalah satu sunnah nabi). Maka kawan sahabat yang shahid tadi telah bangun dan merapati nabi SAW dan menceritakan perihal sahabat nabi yang sahaid tadi... dalam menceritakan itu nabi menjawab benar... benar...benar... dalam sepanjang cerita tersebut. Akhirnya nabi SAW berkata memang benar cerita sahabat kamu tadi dan sekarang ini dia sedang menunggu untuk berbuka puasa di syurga....

Friday 11 October 2013

guest registration procedure


The registration process is one of the many points of interaction with the guest and
ultimately the cornerstone of delivering service before, during, and after the guest stay.Early in this section, we discuss the importance of capturing guest data that is confirmed from the previous reservation process or initiated with a walk-in guest. While guests are in our care, we can communicate with them, maintain an accurate accounting record,and later on respond to any inquiries with regard to financial concerns or follow up on service. Registration begins when the front desk agent extends a sincere welcome to the guests. Warm greeting sets the tone for everything that follows. The front desk agent moves to the registration process
after determining the guest’s reservation status. To a great degree registration relies on the information contained in a reservation record. Front office personnel will find registration simpler and smoother when accurate and complete information has been captures during the
reservation process.

During the night audit shift,information from the reservations department must be transferred to the front desk area.A list of arrivals and reservations for the day, will be sent to front desk in a noncomputerized system. These reservations are arranged in alphabetical order to speed up the process of locating the reservations arriving for the day. In the morning the entire rack is sent to the front desk. Then front desk must allocate rooms fo the arriving guests,there must be an allocation for walk-in.

1. Receive the guest with a smile, a wish according to the time.
2. Check if he/she is holding reservation
3. If there is a reservation, then no problem, otherwise check for
availability of rooms
4. Get he guest registration card and fill it up
5. Fill up the key and the welcome card
6. If the guest is a foreigner, get the C form and fill it up.
7. Allot the accommodation
8. Fill the arrival register
9. Make information slips and send them to telephones, room service
and housekeeping (if the hotel has PMS then do not required
10. Open guest folio
11. Incase of VIP, CIP etc inform all the departments
12. Lastly inform the bellboys to carry the luggage and escort the
guest to the room and wish a comfortable stay in the hotel.
1. Receive the guest with a smile, a wish according to the time.
2. Check if he/she is holding reservation
3. If there is a reservation, then no problem, otherwise check for
availability of rooms
4. Get he guest registration card and fill it up
5. Fill up the key and the welcome card
6. If the guest is a foreigner, get the C form and fill it up.
7. Allot the accommodation
8. Fill the arrival register
9. Make information slips and send them to telephones, room service
and housekeeping (if the hotel has PMS then do not required
10. Open guest folio
11. Incase of VIP, CIP etc inform all the departments
12. Lastly inform the bellboys to carry the luggage and escort the
guest to the room and wish a comfortable stay in the hotel.

• Pre registration activity
• Creating the registration record
• Assigning the room and the rate
• Establishing method of payment
• Issuing the room key
• Fulfilling the special requests

Pre registration activity
Pre registration is the process that guest have reservations will already have a registration card filled out prior to their arrival at the hotel.Through the reservation process, a guest provides nearly all the information needed to complete registration. In other words, guests who make reservations will likely experience a more rapid check in. Pre registrations activities (registration activities that occur before the guest arrives at the property) help accelerate the registration process.Typically pre registered guests’ only need to verify information.collected by reservations agents during the reservations process.Typically pre registered guests’ only need to verify information already entered onto a registration cared and provide a valid signature in the appropriate place on the registration card.Pre registration involves room and rate assignment and creation of guest folio apart from producing registration card. However in some properties they are reluctant to do room assignment as if there are some last minute cancellations then may create an imbalance in the status of vacant rooms.Pre registration tasks are done in non-automated and semi automated front office systems also. But in many of such properties the pre registration services may be limited to specially designated, VIPs or groups.
Pre registration helps plan for special requirements of guests as well as of the hotel. For example, frequent guests may have special requirements of guests as well as of the hotel. In addition pre registration help as managers when they know that the hotel will be in full occupancy in next several days.

When the guest arrives by his own automobile at a full-service hotel,a member of the uniformed services staff will greet her or him.nUsually this person will be one of the valet parking attendants. Then, attendant will welcome the guest to the hotel and ask if the guest wants his or her car to be parked in the hotel’s parking garage. But ,when no parking garage, the attendant will fill out a parking tiket give the guest his or her part of the ticket. The are several part to this ticket.another part of this ticket is kept with the guest’s keys.when thet return to claim the car,the key and car are easily located.the front desk cashier will receive notication from the garage that the guest has his car parked there.thid need to be communicated to the front desk.thebn the guest will be charged the parking fee.before moving the car the valet parking attendant along with doorperson,will remove guest’s luggage from the car and place it on a luggage cart. Doorperson will ask the guest their last name and send the guest to the front desk and then doorperson will turn the luggage over to a bellperson.if the bellperson is available ,the guest should be escorted to the front desk.when the bellperson is not available,the doorperson should write the guest’s name and keep it with luggage until the bellperson comes to claim it. But in some large hotels,the guest will given half of the luggage claim check with a number on it.when the guest in their room,the guest simply calls down to the bell stand and given his claim number and room number.then the bellperson will be assigned to deliver the luggage to the room.
when a group arrives at a hotel,the bell staff will assemble all of the luggage in one using rooming list,which show the guest’s name and room number ,the bell staff will set up the luggage for delivery to the guest’s must be informed ahead of time by the hotel sales area that all luggage must have guest’s name on it.if it does not,each guest must identify their luggage as it is unloaded.
After a guest arrives at the hotel, the front desk agent creates a registration record, a collection of important guest information. Registration cards facilitate the registration process and require guests to provide his/her name, address, telephone number, company affiliation and other personal data. The registration card usually contains a space for guest’s signature. Generally this is a legal prerequisite to establishing guest’s relationship with the hotel. In automated properties the registration card can be preprinted wherein the guests can verify and then sign. At the time of check in. the front desk agents needs to reconfirm the pre assigned rate and the planned departure date. The registration card is either filed in the room rack or attached with the guest folio. In an automated system the details will automatically get communicate to the required departments where in otherwise it needs to be passed on so that the guest is able o do credit purchases against the room account.
At check out, the information captures on guest registration card may be used as the primary source for creating a guest history record. This record may then become part of the data base to be used in the future by the hotel’s sales and marketing efforts. The information contained
in a guest history database can be analyzed to assist management in developing marketing strategies, marketing lists and detailed reports.

As the name suggests the registration is done in the card form. Normally three copies are made with carbon papers. The original copy along with C-form is send to the police, second copy is for hotels records and the third one is kept along with the guest folio.’ But many times C-form is a separate document.

Under the rules C-form has to be filled up for all foreign residents of the hotel. The purpose of C-form is to furnish certain information to the police to check on the movements of foreign nationals visiting the country. The C-form has to be filled in duplicate for all individuals including husband, wife and all the children. Nationality, passport numbers, date and place of issue, purpose of visit, address, duration of say are all main details found in C-form.
When a group is staying only one C-form is made for the whole group.The groups rooming list, which consists of all group member’s name along with their nationality, passport number, date and place of issue are printed. The group rooming list along with the C-form prepared for
the group is sent to the police. c-forms have to be sent to the police within 24 hours of arrival of the guest.

The flow of a guest through the hotel’s cycle begins as soon as he or she makes a reservation for a room.Following that,the next stage in the cycle is the arrival.